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Office Supplies 101: HP Plotter Paper


Do you need a fresh supply of HP plotter paper for your office supplies closet? If so, this blog post is for you.

Here, we’ll go over the basics of HP plotter paper. We’ll also cover how to choose the right type and how much to buy.

There are many types of plotter papers available on the market today. Accordingly, it can sometimes prove challenging to make the right choice for these common office supplies. Whether you’re a graphic designer or an engineer, knowing how to choose the right supplies will save time and money.

To learn more about HP plotter paper office supplies, keep reading.

What Is Plotter Paper Used For?

Plotter paper is somewhat like regular printer paper—sort of. Plotters print images after receiving commands from a computer. However, that’s where the similarities between plotters and printers end.

Printers use a series of small dots to simulate lines. However, plotters use pens to draw lines accurately.

In this way, a plotter produces needed images. However, it does so with much cleaner and continuous lines.

Plotter paper isn’t in the class of office supplies that you’d use for printing custom business cards or for school supplies. Instead, it’s for much larger projects.

For instance, a firm may use a plotter to create geographical maps. This kind of company might make heavy use of bond paper.

You’ll also frequently seed architects and engineers make use of plotters. They’re also common in the construction industry.

Plotters are ideal for technical drawings, blueprints and architectural design. In fact, just about any industry that makes use of computer-aided design may incorporate a plotter for the output.

Plotters also do a good job of making large signs and banners. Accordingly, you’ll often see plotters in use in print and design shops.

You may also regularly see plotters at advertising agencies. You may even see a wide format inkjet printer used for promotional products custom designed for clients.

Hewlett-Packard is well known for its plotter products. The company has been in business since 1939. Today, the company makes a wide variety of plotter printers for its HP DesignJet series.

Does My Business Need a Plotter?

The biggest benefit of plotter printers is its wide format paper. At the same time, they enable users to maintain high quality resolution.

Plotters give companies many options. For example, you can use a plotter to create an inexpensive first draft using only black ink.

You can also purchase special large format paper. For example, you may need to create client presentations.

In that case, you may consider a roll of 24 lb plotter paper. You may also want to select coated paper for this kind of project.

Alternatively, you may need to create some other form of color rendering. You could also need plotter paper especially for creating surveying or building plans.

There’s even a special paper for creating contrast. Manufacturers even design some specialty paper to last in long-term storage in file cabinets.

In all these cases, plotter printers offer the benefit of speed and accuracy. They also do a great job of reproducing print jobs to exacting specifications.

You can use a plotter to recreate the same pattern over and over without degradation. Furthermore, you’ll enjoy the same quality of print with every re-creation.

In addition, plotters are highly efficient. These are just a few of the great benefits of plotters.

However, plotters need quality paper to do their jobs well. It’s equally as important to find a great and trustworthy supplier for your paper.

For example, you may wonder, “How do I find 36” plotter paper near me?” If so, there’s more about finding a great office paper supplier in a moment.

Plotters Aren’t for Everyone

In short, plotters are amazing. However, there is one caveat to owning a plotter—they take up a lot of space. If you’re considering purchasing a plotter, you’ll need to consider if you have space in your office or facility.

Also, plotters cost a bit more than a standard commercial printer. Accordingly, you’ll need to justify whether your wide format print jobs justify the cost of the equipment.

When it comes to selecting a plotter, you also need to think about its output quality. Can it meet the needs of your company?

It’s also helpful to think about how you use the plotter. For instance, you may need to produce vibrant colors. Alternatively, you may need a plotter that’s good at creating crisp lines.

Once you’ve selected the right plotter, you also need to choose the right paper for the job. For example, you may need bright white plotter paper to create the crisp lines that you desire.

Different Types of Plotter Paper

Plotters are growing in popularity. As a result, there are many kinds of plotter paper available on the market. For instance, there’s a range of paper types, including:

• Premium
• Recycled
• Translucent
• Vellum
• Xerographic

Despite the range of options, however, it’s important to source quality paper.

You want the best paper so that you can produce the best results. Again, it helps to work with the best suppliers.

At Plotter Paper Guys, we carry the best quality paper and office supplies available on the market. No matter your needs, we have you covered. More importantly, we’ll provide you with high quality plotter paper to ensure that all your projects come out amazing.

We can provide you with quality plotter paper. However, the following paragraphs will help you figure out what size plotter paper you need for your projects.

What Size Paper Does a Plotter Use?

HP plotter roll paper sizes vary greatly. In part, the size of the plotter paper that you should select varies based on the model of your large format printer.

For example, you may own a particular brand of plotter. Some plotters only work with limited paper options. However, others are more versatile.

With this in mind, there are a few measurements that you’ll need to consider. You want to learn more about the length of the plotter paper that will work with your plotter. You must also think about the width of the paper that you can use with your equipment.

Furthermore, you’ll need to figure out the thickness of paper that your plotter will accept. Finally, you need to choose plotter paper with the right size core.

Plotter Paper Roll Length

There are a few standard wide format roll lengths. Typically, you’ll find that rolls are available in 150, 300 and 500 foot lengths:

These lengths enable you to print longer documents. Alternatively, you may want to print multiple copies of the same output on the same document. In either case, the extra length of plotter paper provides you with a variety of printed options.

Also, the fact that plotter paper comes in a roll allows you to print more projects without reloading. How long a roll lasts varies depending on your printing projects.

Plotter Paper Width

Plotter paper width is also another important consideration. In the United States, you’d measure plotter paper rolls in inches. Manufacturers use a numbering system to designate the size of the rolls.

The first number in the numbering system is typically the width of the paper. There are a few common widths used by companies.

These widths can range anywhere from 11 inches to 42 inches. For example, a manufacturer might label 24” plotter paper as 24PIJ24150.

If this is the right size paper for your needs, you might wonder, “How can I find 24” plotter paper near me?” We’ll get there, but first, let’s learn more about choosing the right plotter paper.

These dimensions enable you to print oversized documents cost-effectively. However, it’s important to select a roll width that’s the size of the projects that you’ll need to produce most often.

Plotter paper roll width is an important consideration. With the right size roll of paper, you can maximize your printing capability. More importantly, you can save on printing costs for your company.

With the right width, you can produce bigger projects without overrunning your budget. Also, you can keep your printing costs down and increase profits for your business.

Plotter Paper Thickness

Manufacturers measure plotter paper thickness in one-thousandths of an inch. Typically, however, they express this measurement in millimeters.

The thickness of paper can vary anywhere from 9 mm to 31 mm. The thickness of paper that you can use varies depending on the age and model of your plotter.

Not every plotter can handle every thickness of paper. Here, it’s important to order paper that will work with your equipment.

Is it Time for a Plotter Upgrade?

You may own an older plotter. In this case, it can most likely handle plotter paper thicknesses of 9 mm or less. Conversely, newer printers can typically handle plotter paper of 9 mm in thickness or more.

If you have an older plotter, you might find that it cannot output jobs on the thickness of plotter paper that you desire. If so, you may find that it’s time to upgrade your plotting equipment.

Plotter Paper Core

Finally, you’ll need to consider the core size of your plotter paper. The diameter of the cardboard tube in the plotter paper roll is the core size.

Typically, inkjet printer rolls have 2-inch cores. However, xerographic plotter paper cores usually have 3-inch cores. If you want to use this kind of paper, you’ll need to make sure that it will fit the spindle or shaft of your plotter.

What Kind of Paper Does HP Printer Use?

Technically, you can use any kind of inkjet paper that you desire. However, it’s preferable to use high quality, premium paper for your HP plotter.

Some plotter paper is too thin or slick. Another plotter paper could curl. In either case, these kinds of inferior paper could jam your plotter.

Also, some lower-cost plotter paper is rough and fibrous. As a result, it doesn’t accept ink as well as high quality plotter paper.

This kind of paper can cause your projects to be less crisp. Alternatively, the plotter may not render your drawings completely.

Accordingly, you want the highest quality paper for the job. For instance, you may want to print projects with images. In that case, you’ll want premium photo paper with a high quality, glossy or matte finish.

For instance, you might want a premium roll paper for HP DesignJet T120 or HP Designjet T100 paper, such as HP plain paper or HP Photo Paper Roll 24. No matter your needs, a knowledgeable supplier can help you select the right paper for the job.

How Do I Change the Paper on My HP Plotter?

When changing the paper on your HP plotter, begin by turning on the power. Now, you’ll navigate to the settings icon on the screen.

There, you’ll select the paper roll icon. Next, you’ll touch Unload Roll. Now, you’ll have to wait for the roll to unload.

Once the roll unloads, grab it by the middle and remove the blue end, then set it aside. Now, remove the black end without setting down the roll. Next, you’ll slide the empty roll into its empty box.

At this point, you’re ready to install the new roll. Remove it from the box with the paper flap in front of you.

Now, insert the black end into the left side of the new roll. Now you can insert the blue end onto the rod sticking out of the other side of the roll.

Don’t run the paper through the slot on the right-hand side. Instead, run it directly into the printer until you hear a beep and the plotter starts to feed the roll.

If you receive an error message, follow the prompts on the screen. Now, you’ll select the paper type on the screen, and you’re all set.

High Quality Plotter Paper Office Supplies for Your Next Project!

Now you know more about HP plotter paper office supplies. All you need now is the best plotter paper supplier for your next project.

Plotter Paper Guys offers the best quality and variety of paper for your needs, whether you’re looking for standard or specialty products. Furthermore, our team is always available to answer any questions about our products and services.

Contact Plotter Paper Guys at (888) 771-3230 with your questions or custom sizing needs. Alternatively, please feel free to browse our inkjet CAD plotter rolls and other fine products, and office supplies online.

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