Every educator knows that all students of any age learn differently, and there is no singular “correct way” to teach or learn. Many students are visual learners, meaning they better understand concepts and ideas when they’re presented through the use of images. However, teachers and faculty can’t spend hours they don’t have hand-crafting high-quality visuals—that’s where printers come in. If you’re ready to make your education space more visually intriguing and transform it into a place that fosters visual learning, take a look at how schools can benefit from large-format printing.
The larger a school is, the more difficult it can be for students to navigate campus or find their classes. Creating clear, large, easy-to-read signage can help students easily navigate school, building confidence in what can feel like an unfamiliar and intimidating place. You can also place floor and wall decals around the space to label buildings and direct traffic. Plus, during flu season, you can place detailed health and safety signage that teaches students how to mitigate health risks.
Inspiring and engaging students can be difficult when you’re stuck with plain white walls. Large-format printing makes creating a visually stimulating environment much easier, as you can create large murals, posters, decals, and graphics to decorate virtually any space. As a bonus, large format printers let you print images on a variety of printing substrates beyond paper, such as fabric, styrene acrylic, foam board, and so much more. There’s very little limit to what you can create.
Large format printing gives you the ability to create detailed, visually stunning banners that the entire school can benefit from. Never again do you have to outsource your printing to celebrate events like homecoming, prom, sporting events, talent shows, or the next school play. With large format printers, you can rally school spirit your way and get students excited about every big event. You can also print out matching fliers to hand out with event information for students and parents.
Almost every teacher has some kind of poster to decorate the classroom or help students remember important concepts like anatomy, essay structures, important math equations, and more. The problem is that many of these posters are mass-produced and aren’t tailored to the teacher’s specific learning environment. Large format printers allow teachers to create their own visually stunning and detailed teaching aids.
Whether you have a large format printer or you’re ready to buy your first one, let The Plotter Paper Guys help you keep your printing department stocked. We sell a variety of high-quality plotter paper so that you can easily create visually stunning graphics and images for your school.