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Difference Between Regular and Plotter Printers

Difference Between Regular and Plotter Printers

Although we live in a digital world, we still need to print text and images. A printer allows us to transfer these digital documents into something tangible. Physical prints are key to fields like architecture, where you must closely examine designs before building anything. Deeping your understanding of the difference between regular and plotter printers helps you determine which one to buy.

Explaining Regular Printers

We’ve all used a regular printer at some point—some of us keep one in our homes, and nearly all workplaces have one. Typically, you’d use this type of printer for Word documents and sometimes for images since it can read JPG, TIFF, and PDF document types.

There are also various types of printers, including inkjets and laser printers. Often, this option better fits into a budget and can print at a faster rate.

Explaining Plotter Printers

Plotter printers are ideal for printing complex images such as blueprints or maps. Both require the printer to create continuous lines, and the plotter printer can do this. Plotter printers are also better for large-scale projects that often require a paper roll; however, they can use cut sheets as well.

Often, architects and engineers use this type of printer rather than a regular printer because of its precision when printing. This trait is vital when your line of work involves crafting in-depth documents. Likewise, graphic artists utilize inkjet plotters for large projects such as posters. Plotter printers also have fewer size limitations, which can be crucial when making blueprints, maps, or posters.

Knowing Which One You Need

Knowing which printer to buy is important, and if you need help remembering the difference between the two, remember this: a plot is a point on a line. Only plotter printers create those continuous lines. Many architects and designers prefer plotter printers because there’s less of a size limit, and the machine does an excellent job of “drawing” straight lines.

Keep in mind that plotter printers are usually more expensive than regular printers and take more time to print. However, it’s worth it if you rely on intricate designs.

As you decide which one you should buy, think about your needs. Do you print a lot of large posters, maps, and designs? Or do you print small images and text documents? If you fall into the first category, a plotter printer would be the best investment for your work.

Buying Printer Paper

Now that you know the difference between regular and plotter printers, it’s time to purchase the right paper for yours. Plotter Paper Guys sell plotter printer paper that works for various name-brand printers, including HP, Canon, and Epson. Browse our collection to find the ideal size for your printing needs.

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