Some places are more humid than others, and that can affect the functioning of your printer and the quality of prints. Humidity can cause paper to curl or develop waves, which can lead to jams in the printer, messy printouts, poor print quality, and printouts that are stuck together. Clearly, something needs to be done to prevent the humidity from messing with your paper and gumming up the works, so to speak. Here are four ways to keep plotter paper dry in humid climates.
You can’t change the weather, but you can lower or limit the humidity indoors. If your storage area is too humid, it may be an issue of ventilation. Ensure the air flows freely through the room. Set up fans, keep indoor doors open, and check if any vents are clogged with dust and dander. Control the room’s climate with a dehumidifier, setting it to turn on and off as the humidity rises and falls. Make sure you drain any water the machine collects during the. An air purifier can also lend a hand, keeping the air in the room clean and the paper and printer free from contamination.
When your paper arrives, it’s undoubtedly wrapped and protected by plastic. Keep unused paper wrapped up and protected from the air and humidity. If you’ve been having an issue with paper that was allegedly sealed, check and see if the wrapping has been breached or if you’ve stored it in a place that’s experienced a sudden burst of humidity. Keep unwrapped paper awaiting use in a cool and dry place.
Sometimes, the waviness of paper results from improper storage. Don’t just keep your unused paper wrapped up; make sure it’s lying flat. Keeping it flat places less strain on the wrapping, reducing the possibility of a breach. Also, it won’t bend and sustain damage around the edges.
A print drying cabinet is a good investment. Print drying cabinets do exactly what they sound like they do: provide a space where paper can dry out and sit for long periods. You can alter the internal environment of the cabinet to provide a steady temperature and humidity level. No matter how moist and sticky it is outside, the print drying cabinet keeps your paper crisp.
Those are just four ways to keep plotter paper dry in humid climates. If you want to learn more about protecting plotter printer paper in regions or times of high humidity, contact us. We offer a selection of quality papers and printers that are perfect for your projects.